Saturday, September 27, 2008

Critical Mass

Today i finally made it out to critical mass in orlando. Ive been meaning to go for months now but just havnt gotten my butt nor my bike out there.

It was quite the experience i have to say. There were so many people. so many bikers around. more than ive ever seen in orlando before.

its pretty cool to see all the people out from all around the city raising awareness that there are other means of transportation.

heres a pic i snapped while riding.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I tried sushi today for the first time. It wasn't as weird as I had thought. It was actually quite normal.

I like trying new things.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Editors Choice

It was the first project that have really written and directed.

I posted this on a few places since its conception including

I was notified by a friend and fellow exposure room user that my video had gotten chosen for the editors choice. This means that they people who maintain the website liked my video and put it on the front page.

This is pretty exciting for me because i am up on the front for everyone to see, right next to Philip Bloom, which is an amazing cinematographer. Check his work out here. its beautiful.

I donno. its exciting for me. check it out here

Second mobile attempt

So I had ally written out on this new mobile app I got that was supposed to help me to blog more.

Then my phone froze. Stupid app.

I lost everything I was going to say about how this blog originated as a way to keep in contact with friends. And how it no longer serves that perpose because no one blogs.

And that I was going to use this blog for myself. So I could see what I was doing.

So thanks stupid app for erasing my feelings.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Box

Click here to view the new short "The Box"